Sunday, May 30, 2010

Major Alterations

So we've made a lot of changes the last couple days, unfortunately it means we're not on the road but in the end we'll be happier.  Sam no longer has to have a trailer behind him and instead is sporting panniers and Ryan now carries Sam's trailer instead of the cargo trailer, with all the kitchen stuff in there.  Sam was so excited and demonstrated how fast he could fly up the hill clocking himself at 14 m.p.h. We have knocked off over 45 lbs. and have streamlined significantly.  We also traded the Burley trailer for the girls and got the Chariot instead because of storage problems, they seem way cozier and it's red which is my favorite color.  We're itching to get going but this is good stuff.


  1. Hi, guys!
    Michael Harris just came over and is telling us about your trip. Wild! I thought Dad was crazy when he drove from New York to Bolivia in 1966 with seven kids (see our blog about that, but this tops that by far!
    Can I have your email? I'd love to discuss some funding options with you.
    God bless,

  2. Great job paring down! I am feeling so smug. What is the level of change you feel with the 45 lb loss? One thing i noticed when i was walking up the coast was i found i craved meat. I noticed the breakfast you had w/ Rachel was plenty of high protein stuff.
    The blog is totally interesting. I especially liked the picture you drew with the leprechaun steen children... love theres
